Thursday, December 22, 2011
Huge Mistake!
Screwed up my whole cycle. Now I have to wait until March for my Vegas IVF.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
All Booked for Vegas
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Lots of Change
Monday, September 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Latest
Monday, August 1, 2011
FET #2
Four of our embryos are still frozen - 2 high quality and 2 mid-quality.
For the first two cycles, our doctor strongly recommended that we only transfer one embryo per try. This time she will let us transfer two if we decide, but we'd have to selectively reduce if both took. With transferring two there is a 50% chance that we'll get pregnant and if we do, there'd be a 33% chance of twins. We've decided that one embryo is the way to go for now.
I started my Lupron at some point in the recent's all kinda blurring together at this point. Other than the Lupron, not much to report. I'll be starting estrogen patches and pills this weekend.
My insurance company took $7,000 (of my $15,000 lifetime infertility) for my surgery in February. My doctor has written them a letter asking them not to charge it to infertility, but I'm still waiting on their decision. UGH. If they don't give me that $ back, we'll only have $1,800 left for infertility. Luckily the FETs are fairly cheap - $1,500 medical cost I believe (and $1,500 for Rx, but we may still have coverage on that).
My husband will be working out of town through my progesterone, so I had planned to switch to Crinone (a vaginal progesterone gel), but insurance will not cover it unless I am already pregnant, and without coverage it'll be $900...compared to $20 for progesterone in oil for injection. I'm just gonna try giving myself the shots. I think I can do it! I've seen videos on youtube of people doing their own, so surely I can too! The hardest part will be checking the syringe for blood before injecting.
That's about that for now. Our next pregnancy test will be September 7th! Over a month away, but I'm getting excited already!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Waiting on Pregnancy Test
My transfer went pretty well. It always seems to be more complicated than it is supposed to be. First of all, I drank way too much water. By the time I was at the clinic, I was dancing around trying not to pee. My doctor said it was fine to let a little out, so I did. Went in for transfer, still miserable from my bladder being so full, and turns out it was still too full. After I emptied again, we were set to go. I hate having my cervix cleaned, it's just very uncomfortable, and with both of my transfers I've had to have it cleaned twice because of a speculum change. I still had to pee really bad, and was just uncomfortable. I got so hot, I sweated through the paper sheet on the table.
Our embryo was frozen as an 8 cell and came out a 7 cell.
I swore that I would not take home pregnancy tests this time, but of course I couldn't resist! I've been taking them since 6dp3dt (6 days past 3 day transfer). I swear there is an abbriviation for everything in infertility (IF) world! I guess if we can't make babies, we can at least make abbreviations! Anyway, all my tests have been negative so far. Go fucking figure! Story of my life! Hopefully Ill get a positive next week at my blood pregnancy test.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
FET Tomorrow!
In case anyone is reading this who's curious about the FET process, I'll re-cap my experience.
After our failed cycle, I had to wait one month to let my body rest. I didn't quite understand that considering I wasn't stimulating my ovaries again or anything, but I went with it and waited. I had to take BCP for two weeks, but I just started it on my month wait. At the end of my month wait, I started 10 units of Lupron per day. I continued on BCP for a few days then stopped those. I think about 10 days later, I reduced my Lupron to 5 units per day and added estrogen patches. I had blood work 4 days after starting estrogen, at which point we found out my estrogen wasn't quite high enough, so I started on Estrace pills twice per day. Had estrogen checked again and it was fine. Three days later I had an ultrasound to check my lining, which was fine, so I started Progesterone (PIO) two days later. I am on .5 CC of PIO twice per day. Yeahhhh, it sucks doing the PIO injections twice a day! Oh well, anyway, here we are 1 day before our transfer, and I'm excited again!
Hoping this time works!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Next step is FET (frozen embryo transfer). Recipe for my FET is as follows:
BCP (starting tomorrow)
Dash of Estrogen
Shot of Progesterone
One thawed embryo
Start BCP and take every day for what feels like an eternity (aka 1 month). Slowly add one shot of lupron per day. Cover your body in estrogen patches. Have husband give you huge shots of Progesterone in your bootay everyday. Thaw the embryo. Have it transferred and then start waiting again.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Bad Blogger
A quick update...
We had our transfer on April 9. Six of our embryos made it to day 3. We transferred one compacting 8 cell and froze 5 (one 8 cell, one 7 cell, two 6's, and one 5). I've been taking pregnancy tests like some kind of crazy person, but have yet to get a positive. At this point, I believe this cycle failed. My blood pregnancy test is Friday, so we'll know for sure then. I've already scheduled an appt. for Monday to discuss a frozen cycle, so hopefully we can start on that pretty quickly.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
12 mature
8 fertilized
I go in on Saturday at 7:45 a.m. for the transfer. Since my uterus is off the side and smaller, I have to have an even more full bladder than normal. It's not going to be fun, but he said if I pee everywhere once they've got the catheter in my uterus, that's fine. haha
As a side note, I counted, and I've been to the RE 26 times in 4 months! Holy geez! At least it is fairly close to my house (30 min). I'm on a babycenter message board, and one of the ladies there has to drive 5 hours each way to her RE. She is committed!
Egg Retrieval
WE GOT 18 EGGS!! Seven more than expected! Now I am just waiting to get the fertilization report. RING PHONE, RING!!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Almost There
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Baseline Ultrasound
I can't believe I might be pregnant in a of couple weeks!
Check out all the meds I got today!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
IVF / ICSI - Starting Meds Soon!
I will be stopping my BCP on March 22 and having my baseline ultrasound. As long as there are no cysts on my ovaries, I will start my Follistim + HCG injections on March 26th.
We got the results from the semen profile yesterday. Turns out that I was right to be nervous about it. Only 250,000 made it to the top, meaning that we have a 15% chance of fertilization issues. Instead of taking the 15% chance that fertilization will not occur, we will be using ICSI. In IVF they usually put some sperm in with the egg and which ever sperm gets the egg first is the winner. With ICSI they inject one single sperm into each individual egg. Now I have to figure out if our insurance will cover ICSI. I called BCB.S yesterday and we need written documentation from the doctor stating why we need ICSI before they will consider paying for it. Even after they have the documentation, they still might say no. The procedure is an extra $1500-$1700 on top of the usual IVF costs. My understanding is that our part of IVF cost is $430. I find this hard to believe though, and am assuming we will owe more than $430. Insurance is so confusing.
And for my prescriptions, I need pre-authorization too. I am supposed to call the pharmacy back on Monday to see if my authorization has gone through. I've talked to the insurance co. several times, and they assure me that the meds are covered so hopefully we won't hit any bumps in the road. Last I heard, our part of meds cost should be around $300
On an unrelated note, I planted some blueberry and raspberry bushes. I really hope they do well and produce lots of fruit for me to eat! My main problem will be keeping the deer away. I planted a rhinoculous and the next time I saw it, it was completely torn up from the ground, missing it's pretty flower. Seriously though, the deer are driving me nuts. I plan to make a homemade deer repellent - rotten eggs and garlic. That'll teach 'em!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
IVF Protocol
I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to talk with my RE about transferring 2 embryos instead of only 1...she wasn't keen on this, so we'll just be transferring 1.
Our last hurdle will be my husband's semen profile this Thursday. His original analysis came back good, so I can only assume the profile will go well, but I'm still a little nervous. During the profile, they take the semen and put it into a spinning machine with a medium. After 30 minutes, if at least one million sperm make it to the top of the machine, then we're good to go. If 100,000 make it to the top, we have a 15% chance of sperm issues. If less than 100,000 make it to the top, we have an 85% chance of sperm issues. We'll also be taking the injection class this Thursday.
As far as my abscess, it is looking good. I will be packing the wound for 1 more week, and then finally I will be done with only took 1 month! geez ;)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Lesson of the Day: Don't Get an Abscess
I asked my husband if he could help, he agreed, but said he might puke. I think he's imagining it to be much worse than it is.
I love the doctor who's been packing my wound most of this week. He's so gentle and just all around super nice. Today I had a different doctor packing the wound, and she went to town in there, poking hard, just all around going nuts. Not really going nuts, but my belly button still hurts.
Let's hope Bill and I are capable of packing this wound!
Monday, February 14, 2011
And Now an Abscess
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Feeling A Little Lighter
...about one ounce lighter! I don't really know how much my fallopian tube weighed, but it's gone and I don't miss it at all!
I went in for my surgery last Friday. I must have been more nervous than I realized because my heartbeat was 110 as I laid there waiting. Getting my IV didn't help me calm down. I can't stand needles and of course the first attempt to put my IV in didn't work. After I was all set, my husband came back to keep me company.
It seemed like everyone wanted to be part of my surgery - my old gynecologist came, the doctor who did my HSG, the resident who did my pre-op tests, and all kinds of other people. I had 3 surgeons and about 10 other people participating in the surgery.
They rolled me into the operating room and I really don't remember much else until I woke up in recovery. In recovery, I was sleepy, but overall I was feeling ok.
I have a non-functioning rudimentary horn with a fallopian tube attached. No endomitriosis. And according to my RE, I have beautiful ovaries! So my right tube with the hydrosalpinx is gone, and the rudimentary horn and left tube were left in place - even though they're useless, they're not hurting anything either.
Overall I'm feeling good now. In March I will go back to my RE to get everything set for IVF! Can't wait!
I ordered some fiction books about infertility yesterday. I can't wait to read them. They better have happy endings! I also bought my first baby item today! I got a green onesie that says snuggle saurus and has a cute little dinosaur on it! l only paid $1.00 for it!
I was looking into infertility insurance from state to state, just out of curiosity, and found this site really interesting.
I live in North Carolina, and they have no mandated coverage, which is rather bunk! Luckily, we have Texas insurance so we do have some coverage. If I did not have these fallopian tube issues we would have had to wait 5 years for IVF coverage...out of control.
I will update again after I meet with my RE to get all my IVF stuff set.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Lots to Think About
My husband and I were discussing last night whether a single embryo transfer (SET) is the best option for us. SET has only a 40% chance of taking compared to 70% with 2 embryos. Clearly, we do not want to carry twins in a half uterus, so if both took, selective reduction would be a serious consideration. I wonder if selective reduction (SR) increases risk of miscarriage in the one baby left? The chief of obstetrics that we met with the other day, said if SR is done early enough, it is safe for the remaining baby, but it still makes me nervous. It's something to think about and discuss with the doctor.
I found out that my clinic does vitrify their embryos to freeze!! I'm so thrilled that most of my frozens will make it through. On my first antral follicle count (small ovarian follicle at the beginning of cycle that could develop eggs) I had 26 follicles. If I could get a similar # during IVF and get them all to mature, we could maybe have 10 or so embryos to freeze.... trying not to get my hopes too high, but it seems realistic. Once we have our 2 babies, we plan to donate the remaining embryos to couples in need. :). (Update 10/18/13: how hopeful i was back then! I cannot believe I was talking about donating embryos. I was so naive!)
I haven't received the results back from the pre-IVF tests. Here's hoping we don't have HIV! Other hormones levels received: FSH: 6.5, LH: 7.5, Estradoil: 32. Doc says all hormones are normal.
That's all I've got to update for now. Will post as things develop.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
MRI Results and More
Tomorrow we have an appointment with a the chief of obstetrics to discuss the risks of pregnancy. I still need to schedule my salpingectomy, but am hoping to have it in February.
I was reading last night about vitrification for freezing embryos - the survival rate of the embryos is 95% compared to the usual freezing where only 50% of the embryos survive thawing. I really hope my clinic uses this technique, I'm gonna find out tomorrow. Also, I've been doing a bit of reading on whether to transfer embryos (day 3) or blastocysts (day 5). It seems like the blastocyst is the way to go. They're able to monitor the embryo two additional days, which is a big deal. Since I am having SET (single embryo transfer), I want to make sure I get the best quality possible! Will be discussing this with the doc tomorrow as well.
Having more blood drawn today and is LH, FSH, and estradoil. Tomorrow my husband and I will be doing our pre-IVF blood tests (HIV, Hep B and C, Rubella, VLDR?, and blood type). I hate needles, so what a fun two days this will be!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Follow Up with RE
I'm going in for an MRI today to confirm whether I have two kidneys, and to see if a rudimentary horn is present with my unicornuate uterus.