Tuesday, March 8, 2011

IVF Protocol

I went back to the doctor yesterday to get my IVF protocol! I will be starting birth control pills this Thursday and taking them for 2 weeks. After the BC, I will start my injections for 12 days. I will be taking Follistim injections with HCG, then a few days later, I will start Ganirellix and eventually a shot of Lupron to trigger the release of my eggs (antagonist protocol). According to my RE, 20 eggs is a reasonable expectation from the egg retrieval! After they retrieve the eggs we will wait 3 days to transfer the embryo to my uterus.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to talk with my RE about transferring 2 embryos instead of only 1...she wasn't keen on this, so we'll just be transferring 1.

Our last hurdle will be my husband's semen profile this Thursday. His original analysis came back good, so I can only assume the profile will go well, but I'm still a little nervous. During the profile, they take the semen and put it into a spinning machine with a medium. After 30 minutes, if at least one million sperm make it to the top of the machine, then we're good to go. If 100,000 make it to the top, we have a 15% chance of sperm issues. If less than 100,000 make it to the top, we have an 85% chance of sperm issues. We'll also be taking the injection class this Thursday.

As far as my abscess, it is looking good. I will be packing the wound for 1 more week, and then finally I will be done with that..it only took 1 month! geez ;)

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