Thursday, March 17, 2011

IVF / ICSI - Starting Meds Soon!

I have way too much to think about.

I will be stopping my BCP on March 22 and having my baseline ultrasound. As long as there are no cysts on my ovaries, I will start my Follistim + HCG injections on March 26th.

We got the results from the semen profile yesterday. Turns out that I was right to be nervous about it. Only 250,000 made it to the top, meaning that we have a 15% chance of fertilization issues. Instead of taking the 15% chance that fertilization will not occur, we will be using ICSI. In IVF they usually put some sperm in with the egg and which ever sperm gets the egg first is the winner. With ICSI they inject one single sperm into each individual egg. Now I have to figure out if our insurance will cover ICSI. I called BCB.S yesterday and we need written documentation from the doctor stating why we need ICSI before they will consider paying for it. Even after they have the documentation, they still might say no. The procedure is an extra $1500-$1700 on top of the usual IVF costs. My understanding is that our part of IVF cost is $430. I find this hard to believe though, and am assuming we will owe more than $430. Insurance is so confusing.

And for my prescriptions, I need pre-authorization too. I am supposed to call the pharmacy back on Monday to see if my authorization has gone through. I've talked to the insurance co. several times, and they assure me that the meds are covered so hopefully we won't hit any bumps in the road. Last I heard, our part of meds cost should be around $300

On an unrelated note, I planted some blueberry and raspberry bushes. I really hope they do well and produce lots of fruit for me to eat! My main problem will be keeping the deer away. I planted a rhinoculous and the next time I saw it, it was completely torn up from the ground, missing it's pretty flower. Seriously though, the deer are driving me nuts. I plan to make a homemade deer repellent - rotten eggs and garlic. That'll teach 'em!

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