Monday, January 3, 2011

Follow Up with RE

I had a follow-up with my reproductive endocrinologist regarding the results of my HSG. Our plan as of now is to remove the hydrosalpinx via salpingectomy, recover for 2 months, then start IVF. Once the salpingectomy is completed, I will have no fallopian tubes left, thus no chance of natural conception. It's upsetting, but I am happy to at least have a plan and some answers. Luckily, our insurance will actually cover most of one IVF cycle. We will only owe $400 for the whole cycle. I can't believe that insurance will cover any part of IVF! Hopefully the first IVF will be a charm, but if not, I'm hoping to get lots of embys to freeze. An FET is only about $3000 compared to $13000 for IVF. My RE will only put one embryo back per IVF / FET due to my unicornuate uterus and the risk of carrying multiples.
I'm going in for an MRI today to confirm whether I have two kidneys, and to see if a rudimentary horn is present with my unicornuate uterus.

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