Tuesday, June 21, 2011

FET Tomorrow!

My updates to this blog are getting fewer and farther between... After our failed IVF, I didn't really feel like doing anything related to TTC. Plus, FETs (frozen embryo transfer) are so much easier than IVF that there hasn't been much to update. But now my FET is tomorrow, so TTC has became exciting again!

In case anyone is reading this who's curious about the FET process, I'll re-cap my experience.

After our failed cycle, I had to wait one month to let my body rest. I didn't quite understand that considering I wasn't stimulating my ovaries again or anything, but I went with it and waited. I had to take BCP for two weeks, but I just started it on my month wait. At the end of my month wait, I started 10 units of Lupron per day. I continued on BCP for a few days then stopped those. I think about 10 days later, I reduced my Lupron to 5 units per day and added estrogen patches. I had blood work 4 days after starting estrogen, at which point we found out my estrogen wasn't quite high enough, so I started on Estrace pills twice per day. Had estrogen checked again and it was fine. Three days later I had an ultrasound to check my lining, which was fine, so I started Progesterone (PIO) two days later. I am on .5 CC of PIO twice per day. Yeahhhh, it sucks doing the PIO injections twice a day! Oh well, anyway, here we are 1 day before our transfer, and I'm excited again!

Hoping this time works!!

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