Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Catching up!

Wow, I haven't blogged in forever!

 I started my meds for fet a few weeks ago. Heading to ny for intralipids on the 12th, then off to Vegas next Sunday (17th). I'm excited and nervous, as usual.

We have four frozen blasts, will be transferring two! I think my beta pg test will be around July 2...just realized that is less than a month away!

There have been a lot of bfps in blogger land lately! I'm so happy that some of these women who have been trying 8, 10, 12 years are finally getting their good news! Maaaaaybe, I'll finally have a good update soon. I'm pretty sure I have never had a positive blog post.

My hours were cut at work from 25 hours per week to....5 hours per week. Barely even worth the effort, but I am honestly not very upset. I went grocery shopping, made tons of phone calls about meds etc, made a cheesecake, did some cleaning, reading, watched breaking has been a nice week! About the meds phone calls, I have realized you just can't trust anything to do w insurance. First, we had all of those issues where they tried to take 7k of my 15k lifetime max, which thankfully we worked out; after like 8 months of phone calls. Now, when I tried to get my Lupron, first they say $325, I always pay $ time I talk to the pharm, it's $125....I get a letter from ins saying it is only covered for endo, uterine something, and....female infertility....umm hello, first of all I've been on this now 5 times for $17, and if I don't have female infertility, no one does! Anyway, I got it worked out, but it's just the point that I have to watch them! Also, Vi.agra in feb cost $280 for 40 suppositories, in may I got 56 for $90...I'm in the process of appealing this, so we will see. Point is, be careful w your insurance!

I'll probably update more once I'm in Vegas, and things are actually going on....I'll at least update WHEN I get my bfp in July!

Interesting tid-bit:  I am having my transfer 6/22, the same exact day I had a transfer last year....Let's just assume that is some sort of good sign...obviously grasping for straws here!  lol

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