First, we finally got our insurance money back! It was a little less than I expected, but still probably enough to cover an IVF cycle. I was so excited! We've been trying to get this resolved since May, and finally finally I don't have to call the insurance company weekly anymore!
Second, I had a telephone consultation with an out-of-town doctor (Dr. S.) earlier this week. He seems to have a lot more ideas that my doctor (Dr. C.). Dr. C. doesn't want to change much going into a new IVF - slight follistim increase, and bring embryos to blastocyst instead of 3 day. My lining has been thin (7-8) through all of my IVF / FETs (I didn't even know this until my most recent FET). According to Dr. C., where my lining is could probably work. According to Dr. S., my lining is like trying to plant a tree in a rock. Now how their opinions vary so widely is beyond me. Dr. C has no plans for fixing my lining. Dr. S. seems to have lots of plans! He plans to change my protocol (from antagonist to agonist antagonist conversion) because he suspects my testosterone is high and affecting embryo quality as well as my lining. I will also be using viag.ra suppositories to try to help build my lining. I asked Dr. C. about using vi.agra, and her response was that they did not have good results with it at their clinic. Once again, huge difference in opinion with Dr. S, he says his results have been good. With Dr. S. I will still be taking my embryos to blast, but instead of transferring one, we'll be transferring two! Another major thing Dr. S. said was that 1/2 of my embryos not surviving thaw was a technical error. I had always thought it may have been. There are even more difference in their plans, but that's enough for now. So...I'm sending my deposit tomorrow for a January 30th cycle with Dr. S! Since Dr. S. is all way across the country, I'll be staying there for 12 days. I'm kind of a homebody, and thus dreading the "vacation" part of this. Mostly I'm gonna miss / worry about my cat sons. I'll try to be better about updating more as we go through this cycle. It's honestly been quite boring since the first IVF. FETs are no fun. I love getting the embryo quality calls! As long as they're good news I guess.
Third and final piece of good news, I will be second shooting at a wedding this weekend!! I've been wanting to get into wedding photography for a while now, so I'm looking forward to it! If I get any grand pictures, I'll post them!