Friday, July 1, 2011

Waiting on Pregnancy Test

Just waiting on my blood pregnancy test...gosh it's taking forever to get here!

My transfer went pretty well. It always seems to be more complicated than it is supposed to be. First of all, I drank way too much water. By the time I was at the clinic, I was dancing around trying not to pee. My doctor said it was fine to let a little out, so I did. Went in for transfer, still miserable from my bladder being so full, and turns out it was still too full. After I emptied again, we were set to go. I hate having my cervix cleaned, it's just very uncomfortable, and with both of my transfers I've had to have it cleaned twice because of a speculum change. I still had to pee really bad, and was just uncomfortable. I got so hot, I sweated through the paper sheet on the table.

Our embryo was frozen as an 8 cell and came out a 7 cell.

I swore that I would not take home pregnancy tests this time, but of course I couldn't resist! I've been taking them since 6dp3dt (6 days past 3 day transfer). I swear there is an abbriviation for everything in infertility (IF) world! I guess if we can't make babies, we can at least make abbreviations! Anyway, all my tests have been negative so far. Go fucking figure! Story of my life! Hopefully Ill get a positive next week at my blood pregnancy test.